May 01, 2022 1 min read

Welcome to the craziness that is 2022!  As of April we are completely sold out of last years hay.  From the bottom of our hearts... THANK YOU!

In the coming weeks we'll be making some big announcements!  Like and follow us on Facebook, and stay tuned :)

As we prepare for this years hay season we are working hard to reduce our input costs, but at the end of the day the current local, national and global situation is crazy to say the least.  As I'm sure you're aware the global situation with the pandemic resurgence in China, Russia's invasion of Ukraine (one of the worlds largest fertilizer producers) and the continuing supply chain issues has hit the farming community hard.  If you row crop, raise cattle, grow hay, run a dairy or raise horses your input costs have gone up.

Two quick examples;

In 2020 diesel prices were $2.39 / gal.  Fast forward to 2022...$5.29!


MAP Fertilizer prices in 2020 were $430 / ton.  Fast forward to 2022... $1,535 / ton!

These are just a couple of the challenges the farming community is dealing with.  We are doing our best to keep prices down to better serve you, our customer.

- God Bless